Search box
The element a user types in to make a search
⭐️ A search box should be at the top of the page, styled consistently with other search boxes across your website or product
⭐️ Include a button to click to process search
⭐️ Placeholder text can nudge the user to make a relevant search
Visualisation of results
Showing the items relevant to the search
⭐️ Give as much detail as you can to contextualize the results e.g. show the title of the page, a description and potentially a thumbnail
⭐️ Show the number of results
⭐️ Include pagination for long list of results (more than 50)
⭐️ If there are no results, point the user towards making another search or another pathway
Search progress
A search may not be instant, so consider a loading indicator as the product makes the enquiry
Suggested search items
Offer a search query to save the user from typing e.g. currently trending, most popular, recently search, autocorrection
Categories and/or filters
Constraints to help users narrow down their search area
Ordering of search results
How a user can sort results e.g. best price, most relevant, newest first
Highlighting keywords
Highlight the words in the search enquiry within the results displayed